Full Name *
Zip Code
1. How often do you use Telx services? Never234Always
2. How would you rate our response time? Poor234Excellent
3. How would you rate our professionalism? Poor234Excellent
4. How would you rate our knowledge? Poor234Excellent
5. How often are we able to fix the problem right away?NeverSlowAverageFastAlways
6. How easy is our website to use/navigate?Very Difficult234Extremely Easy
7. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with Telx’s support?Poor234Excellent
1. What is the name of the technician who was helping you? *
2. How would you rate your Technician's overall knowledge? Poor234Excellent
3. How would you rate your Technician's demeanor? Poor234Very Professional
4. How would you rate your Technician's ability to communicate with you easily? Poor234Extremely Easy
5.How would you rate your Technician's ability to explain all available solutions to you?Very Difficult234Extremely Easy
6. Do you feel you have his undivided attention while at your side?YesNo
7. How would you rate your Technician's response time?Very SlowSlowAverageFastVery Fast
8. How would you rate your overall satisfaction level with your Technician? Poor234Excellent
1. I allow Telx to use my survey as part of its website (no personal information will be used)YesNo
2. I would recommend Telx to your friendsYesNo