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Malware Protection - A Computer's First Line of Defense Malware is any piece of software that was written with malicious intents, in order to create chaos in your computer and compromise your security. They include, but are not limited to: viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware, phishing and...

Various Types of Portable Computers Built for Various Needs! Every now and then, a technological achievement so big comes by it changes the way we conduct ourselves. This is especially true when we talk about business. During the last century different technologies have been introduced that have...

What is Android Rooting? Rooting your Android phone is term you are bound to hear at some point. Especially if you own an Android and definitely if you are someone who loves to customize their technology. With over 500,000 Android activation's each day we decided to give you...

Major Benefits of Outsourcing IT Needs! There is a multitude of benefits of outsourcing IT needs for your company. Of the various reasons to contract an IT company, three rise to the top. These three are work directly towards growing the business and reacting to changes in the...

Simple, Easy, Quick Home Networking Solutions! We here at Telxcomputers, we love technology with all the incredible things that it can accomplish and the abundance of extras it brings to everyday life. However we understand it its intricacies, and are aware that it may not be...

The World Wide Web - Online Unity We all connect to the Internet and browse through thousand and thousand of website every day. But not all of us know how it actually works or what is it exactly. Most people refer to the Internet and the...

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