04 Oct 5 Technology Solutions That Will Ensure Business Growth | Miami Managed Service Providers

Ransomware often targets businesses (for example hospitals) rather than individuals. Corporations have more valuable data and more money for ransom (ransom increases from roughly $500 per computer to $15,000 for the entire enterprise). Cyphort has examined different variants of ransomware to help users get an...
Over recent years, the business world has developed into one of a wireless and connected age; one where data can be found instantly and information is readily-accessible. Still a relatively new concept, hosted exchange is the Internet at its finest, seamlessly sharing and exchanging, sourcing...
Firewalls are an important part of network security. A firewall is a barrier that keeps hackers from entering a business’s network and computer system. A firewall follows a set of rules that filter the information entering and exiting a network, allowing or denying access to...
Telecommunications is an important tool for businesses. It enables companies to communicate effectively with customers and deliver high standards of customer service. Telecommunications is a key element in allowing employees to collaborate easily from wherever they are located, remote or local. Mobile telecommunication gives companies...
Microsoft Exchange server is an e-mail based collaborative communications server that includes integrated collaborative messaging features that extend e-mail to include scheduling, contact management, folder sharing, and task management functionality. Companies are realizing that migrating from traditional e-mail solutions and using Hosted Exchange can not...
Cloud computing is a better way for its users to run the businesses. Instead of making the client to run a business app on their own it facilitates them by making it run on a shared data center. The flexibility and the performance of the...
Cloud servers are basically virtual machines running on Windows or Linux Operating system. . In some respects cloud servers work in the same way as physical servers but the functionality may differ. Maybe it's a controversial subject today but it is going to be looked...
In today’s world it is important to keep your business running 24/7. Down time can drastically affect customers, finances and the overall reputation of the business. With the cost of computer equipment dropping it is a wise idea to have multiple servers on the network...